Thursday, 31 July 2014

Xplore are top of the class!

Xplore has shown itself to be at the top of the class for educational visits by being awarded a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge again this year. 

Awarded by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, the LOtC Quality Badge combines for the first time learning and safety into one easily recognisable badge for all organisations providing learning outside the classroom experiences.

The benefits of children learning outside the classroom...

·     Research shows that children learn best through real life experiences. Taking learning beyond the classroom walls makes learning more memorable and appeals to different learning styles. 99% of teachers say that students are more animated and engaged when learning outside the classroom (Opinion matters survey on behalf of TUI Education Division, 2010)
·     LOtC supports improved standards back INSIDE the classroom, raising attainment, reducing truancy and improving discipline
·     LOtC is known to contribute significantly to raising standards & improving pupils’ personal, social & emotional development. It also contributes to the quality and depth of learning (OFSTED, Learning Outside the Classroom, How far should you go, 2008)
·     LOtC enables children to interact in new ways with their peers and adults, improving relationships between teachers and pupils, particularly with those students who are hard to reach in the classroom environment
·     LOtC is effective in delivering learning outcomes across all areas of the curriculum including literacy, numeracy, science, history, geography and IT and has the most impact when opportunities to learn outside the classroom are frequent, continuous and progressive
·     OFSTED says that LOtC is crucial to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum (response to Select Committee review, October 2010)

Why teachers should look for the LOtC Quality Badge when organising educational visits...

·     The LOtC Quality Badge is a national benchmark that accredits providers of learning outside the classroom offering good quality educational experiences and managing risk effectively
·     The LOtC Quality Badge is recognised across all sectors offering LOtC experiences including overseas expeditions, adventurous activities, heritage, arts and farming and countryside so teachers only need to look for one badge when taking children out and about
·     The LOtC Quality Badge provides assurance to teachers and parents regarding safety and the quality of learning
·     The LOtC Quality Badge cuts red tape for teachers when planning LOtC activities (N.B. It is a very good idea to find out how booking with a LOtC Quality Badged venue will reduce red tape for teachers in your local authority area, so you can specifically refer to that in your communications with teachers)

·     The Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel has endorsed the award and ask that their Local Authority members request that teachers look for the LOtC Quality Badge when planning educational visit

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