My name is
Maren and I work in the Xplore office in Hamburg. I take care of most of the applicants
that have the U.S. as their destination.
This past
February I got the chance to visit some of our students placed in Indianapolis,
IN and surroundings. I also was able to spend some time with their Local
Coordinators (LCs) from CIEE and the Regional Director of the area, Edwina.
This trip gave me a lot of insight into how much work and passion they all,
CIEE and our students alike, put into this experience so that students and
their host families all have a great time!
Edwina and
her LCs had made a plan for me so that I could go see as many students as
possible and also get tours through a few schools, either by our students or by
a staff member, to see how different the schools are and what they offer in
terms of classes but also regarding their amenities.
It was
really impressive to see how many different possibilities students in the U.S.
have in school, independent from their interests: humongous and well-equipped gyms
or even pools (swimming is big in Indianapolis!), great musical groups or
orchestras, International Clubs, debate clubs and a lot more. There is
something for everyone and our students that I met told me that this has
been a great way for them to get integrated in school life and to make new
friends. When I asked them what one of the most difficult parts of the exchange
was, almost all of them said the first day of school – being there among
complete strangers, surrounded by English all day, not finding one’s way around,
standing in the cafeteria at lunch time looking for a place to sit… But being
open and going to those extracurricular activities has helped them a lot.
They also
were impressed by the choice of subjects that were presented to them. They all
had to take some classes like Maths, English, Geography and the like, but they most
enjoyed the subjects we don’t usually have in Germany: Pottery, Nutrition,
Weight Lifting, Choir, Drawing and many more. According to them “school is fun
I got to
see a lot of things and meet many nice people while I was there: different
types of neighborhoods (from middle of nowhere to close to the big city),
sports fields (covered in snow…), I met guidance counselors and other school staff,
was introduced to host families, enjoyed road trips to students with members of
CIEE and learned more about their work, how they recruit host families and
handle certain problems.
All in all
it was a wonderful experience to see what all the work put into applications
leads to: the students’ performance in school and their interactions with others,
speaking English without great efforts, embracing the American culture and
everything that comes along with it (household duties, rules, homework, sports competitions). I went to the Orientation Meeting in New
York with some of the students I visited and it has been amazing to see how
much they have developed personally and improved their English since then! It really felt
like they had become part of the American life.
So thank
you to everyone who made this trip possible!
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