Tuesday, 17 November 2015

China Camp 2015

We are really excited about our China Camp for summer 2016.  After the success of last year we know it is going to offer another incredible 3 weeks of language, culture and amazing experiences. Watch out for further information on www.xplorelanguage.com

Here is some feedback from last year...

'I really enjoyed my time in China. I got to know so many new people and tried the Chinese food (that is quite different from what I normally eat) and did some really cool activities. On the first few days everything felt quite surreal and it took me a few days to get used to speaking English but then it felt almost normal. The whole trip was a big adventure. I made friends from all over the world and I really hope meeting them again soon. Looking back on three incredible weeks the only thing I can say is: I want to go back.' Luisa aged 15

'On the whole the trip it was not only a great opportunity for some first class sight seeing and a chance to practice and improve my Mandarin but also helped open my eyes to the world outside of my sheltered life in Suffolk. I shall always cherish the memories I have made there and highly recommend the trip to anyone wishing to have the best three weeks of their life!' Katja aged 15

Our group of language students were also joined by a group of English school students who were in China to represent England in a RoboCup competition. 'Team Beccles' came second in the international RoboCup competition and we were all very proud of their achievements. 

Beccles Free School 
RoboCup Team!

'Thank you so much for the Jinan Xplore camp experience and for hosting us so brilliantly. Many new friends were made and we all learnt so much about Chinese food and culture. Your tireless efforts and fun activities were a real credit to your welcoming and exuberant team and Xplore. The house building, Mandarin lessons and football were particular favourites. They will have had such an experience this past 10 days and most of that is down to you and Xplore for giving them such a wonderful cultural opportunity.'  


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