Monday, 8 June 2015

Xplore team get racing!

What do our activity teams get up to on a sunny Sunday afternoon I hear you ask... Well this Sunday it was all about raft racing! 

Ready and waiting for the race to begin
Our teams built their rafts at the lake side in the morning, to showcase the great skills of our activity instructors! They were ready for action with plenty of time to first enjoy the beautiful Suffolk sunshine! Some younger members of the crowd had the chance to take a look at how a raft is put together and talk to the team about their race tactics! 

Our teams came 4th and 8th out of 14 rafts. It came down to the last straight, so was a close final! We were the highest ranking new competitor this year. 

It was a great day for both teams who are now busy making plans for bigger and better rafts for next year!!

Enjoying the summer sunshine
and some team games before
the start of the race
Making us proud with their
sterling efforts!
With cheers from the
lake side the team crack on!

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