Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Jamie's adventures in Greenland

At the end of this month 3 of Xplore's directors, will be embarking on a 100km walk across the ice of Greenland. Whilst they are doing this as a personal “challenge” (as they do each year!) Chris’s 14 year old son Jamie is also joining them and making the most of the experience by raising money for a very worthwhile cause. 

Jamie, along with the Xplore team, will be trekking 100km across Southern Greenland within a target of seven days, to raise funds to provide more sporting opportunities for disabled children across Sussex.

Jamie and the team will be embarking on their Arctic adventure on 24th March, starting from base camp at Kulusuk before returning via a sea ice route. They will be self-supporting, travelling on skis and foot, hauling sledges weighing 50kg containing all supplies and equipment and camping overnight away from settlement and communication.

Jamie is fundraising for Active Sussex, the charity working to increase the number of children and young people participating in sport and physical activity in Sussex, with funds going specifically towards running the Parallel Youth Games 2015 event; a multi-sport competition for disabled school children in Sussex.
Jamie, a gifted athlete, was inspired to raise money for disabled children after suffering a debilitating hip injury when competing at the English Schools Championships in July last year, rendering him out of action for 6 months. This led him to acknowledge what it must feel like to be permanently disabled, and to recognise the importance that events like the Parallel Youth Games have in creating fully inclusive sporting opportunities for young people.
Please watch this 90 second video to find out more: https://vimeo.com/119858120

If you would like to support Jamie's efforts for the Parallel Youth Games, please follow this link to donate: www.localgiving.com/greenland4activesussex

Everyone in the Xplore team wish them the very best on what is going to be a true adventure. We will update the blog in a few weeks time with how they got on.

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