Monday, 12 May 2014

The joys of international education

Operating in the UK, USA and now Malta, our MyChoice High School placements allow students from all over the world the opportunity to decide their future education in another country. 

We are always excited about this programme and the opportunities it can give to students. Here in the UK, we have had a small name change from Xplore UK to Xplore MyChoice UK in line with our operations in the USA. We are pleased to have a new member of staff in the UK head office which now completes the MyChoice UK team! We also have a new website for our students and agents It's been a busy few weeks and will continue to be as we receive more applications for the next academic year. 

Xplore will be at the Suffolk Show on 28th and 29th May and the team will be on hand to answer any questions that you might have about our programme, the students and the opportunity of being a host family. Of course if you are not local to the wonderful county of Suffolk we are contactable any time by phone or email from anywhere in the world! 

Here is an insight into one student's experience of their time in the UK. 

Before I came to the UK I was nervous about what my host family would be like and host sister. I also worried about not making friends. However, my host family bought things for my bedroom to make it feel homely and they are very kind to me. When I return to Norway, I will miss my host mum, she is like a mum to me now. I have a big bedroom with a double bed and a television.  Every other week on a Wednesday I cook for my host family.  I miss some of the Norwegian food too but my family has been sending me food parcels! In Norway we eat a lot more meat and potatoes! I do miss my Norwegian friends but I Skype them every week when I can fit it in with homework.  

'I live in Norway, in a forest but near a big city with my dad, step mum and step brother. It is an option in Norway to study abroad and is quite normal, not everyone does it though. I wanted to try something new and experience other things. My parents were excited for me; I am the first person in my family to study abroad. My dad was very supportive about me doing it. 

On the first day at my new school the teachers were very friendly and kind and then along with some other international students we slowly made friends with our classmates. The teachers lecture in Norway, they don’t teach the same way as English teachers do. Here the teachers want you to be more involved and active in your learning whereas at home they will just talk. It is more innovative here. You also do more subjects in Norway rather than just 3 or 4 A-levels and there are a lot more essays here but more tests in Norway.

I am used to being near a big city with excellent transport and good shops so it is different for me to be out in the countryside with few buses and I would like to see more of England while I am here.  I am surprised that I could adjust to the language and accents so quickly.

I would think about going to university in the UK or USA if money would allow, but university is free in Norway and I have already been away for this year.

I would encourage anyone to come to England to study, it improves your English and you learn about the culture of England not just seeing it as a tourist. Everyone has something positive come out of studying abroad, you also gain independence and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. It also makes you appreciate what you like about your own country and makes you understand your own country more.'

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