Monday, 15 December 2014

George's marvellous Morocco!

It's a little chilly here in England today and so to brighten us all up we thought we would take a trip down memory lane with George, one of our Group Sales team as he talks of his (warmer) travelling days!

'Having started with the company 10 years ago as a young work experience boy I have grown not only with the company but grown to love the industry and the amazing programmes we are able to provide to students from all over the world each year.

From my work experience placement, I went on to be an activity instructor, a senior instructor, then running a number of our activity centres for 4 years as a centre manager and then finally moving on up into our head office as a Group Sales Executive.  Throughout my time with Xplore I have had the opportunity to travel around the world on both a personal level and a company level. From taking schools on sports tours to Italy, France and Portugal to travelling around South Africa.

For now I would like to take you through a 3 week trip around Morocco.

We started out in Marakesh just before New Year’s eve. As New years is not vastly celebrated in Morocco it was a pretty quiet evening. However there was a lot of excitement about being able to experience the famous Marrakesh souk. It is a large outdoor and indoor market selling pretty much anything you can think of from carpets to spices, jewellery to lamps! An experience for sure with street artists, snake charmers, and so many sights, sounds and smells! I came away with spices and herbs and memories of a very fun few days. 

We headed down to the desert for a camel trek across the sand dunes. We spent the night in the dunes eating a famous Moroccan tagine made by our guide. It was a cold night but was worth it being able to see both an amazing sunset and sunrise.

Following our desert trek we headed across the country to Essaouira a seaside town on the west coast of Morocco. This was the final part of our trip and a chance to relax on the beach, do some sightseeing, enjoy the sunshine and play some football against the locals.

All in all a country I would recommend to anyone. Especially if you want to practice your French skills. 
Watch this space for more adventures in other destinations around the world!'

Monday, 8 December 2014

Introducing Bredon

Welcome to Bredon, Xplore's newest centre in England offering language and group travel programmes. 

Bredon is a beautiful centre situated in 84 acres of grounds on the borders of rural Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.

Operating during the summer and at Easter, this centre offers a range of adventure activities and sports. Facilities include a sports hall, outdoor swimming pool, gymnasium, tennis courts, sports fields including rugby and football pitches, meeting rooms, class rooms and accommodation.

This centre is perfect for language programmes, culture and educational trips or sports tours. Students will enjoy a range of adventure activities in a rural setting.

Bredon offers 156 beds in single/twin rooms and dormitories across 4 houses with kitchenettes and common rooms.

Students can visit local historical sites including Roman Baths, Shakespeare Museum, Warwick Castle, Lacock Abbey, Gloucester Cathedral and Blenheim Palace. 

Within easy reach  of Bredon are offsite activities including tenpin bowling, cinema trips, shopping, ice skating, swimming and a visit to Cadbury World! 

Students can enjoy day excursions from Bredon to London, Oxford, Manchester, Gloucester, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwick and Birmingham. 

Onsite there are excellent facilities for activities such as abseiling, archery, climbing, canoeing, high ropes, quad biking, swimming, raft building and zip wire. Students can also enjoy team sports and creative activities. 

The Xplore Group Travel team create tailor made programmes for young people from all over the world and are all looking forward to taking groups to Bredon in 2015! 


Thursday, 27 November 2014

Movember Success!

As we near the end of 'Movember' we wanted to thank our Operations Manager for his sterling effort to raise awareness of testicular cancer, prostrate cancer and men's mental health by growing a moustache!  

Movember is a time when 'Mo Bros' take action by growing a moustache for the 30 days of November sparking conversation about mens health and raising funds for programmes across the world. 

For over 31 years our Training and Development Manager has tried without much success to grow a beard or moustache. Paul tells me that for years his baby face complexion has shaved (sorry) years off him!  Progress has been slow and at times a little worrying but it is definitely going well now for Paul and his new tash! 

Well done to Paul and all the Mo Bros across the world who have raised awareness and funds! The Movember Foundation has been supporting men in 21 countries since 2004! 

If you wish to find out move about Movember or donate to the cause please visit

Monday, 24 November 2014

Triple R Standard Awarded to Xplore (UK)

Activities Unlimited organise short breaks and activities for all Suffolk children and young people who are disabled or who have additional needs aged 0 - 25. The activities are designed for them to have fun, try new things, make new friends and have the same opportunities as other children and young people.

Throughout the summer, Activities Unlimited visited Xplore's Head Office in the UK and one of our centres, Finborough Hall, to ensure Xplore are offering safe, high quality provision.

Activities Unlimited have developed their own quality standard - The Triple R Standard. The standard is designed and delivered to support providers in achieving their minimum standards.

The Triple R Standard works across three main elements: Rights, Readiness and Respect.

The Rights element of the standard tested Xplore’s knowledge, understanding and ability to deliver services that meet the legislative requirements in the short breaks market.
The Respect element ensures that Xplore’s policies and practices respect the right of disabled children and young people to have dignity, choice and control.
The Readiness element confirms that Xplore can demonstrate well-planned and maintained service delivery, which offers high quality short breaks for disabled children and young people.

We are very pleased to report that Xplore met all these standards; successfully achieving AU’s Triple R Quality standard.  

Monday, 17 November 2014

Education or Vacation?

With teachers increasingly asked to justify the educational benefits of overseas trips, Elaine Skates, Acting Chief Executive of the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, explores the impact and practicalities of school travel in raising attainment and aspirations. 

This article was originally published in issue 3.7 of Teach Secondary magazine

Every year, thousands of teachers give up their own time, not to mention significant energy and sleepless nights, to extend their pupils’ learning beyond UK shores.

These teachers are not doing it because they fancy a nice ‘holiday’. They do it because want to make a difference to the young people they work with, broaden their horizons and inspire learning. Because they can see that it works.

Learning outside the classroom (LOtC), whether it happens in the school grounds or the Southern Hemisphere, raises attainment, improves behaviour and engages all pupils. Overseas visits offer varied and powerful opportunities for learning.

As Ian Pearson of School Travel Forum (STF) puts it:

“Everybody remembers their school trips and I think it is because the dynamic experience you get from them fits how people have learnt from time immemorial.  This simple reflection may make the answer to “Are school trips beneficial?” self-evident, but the facts and positive opinions that came in from our recent survey are another powerful confirmation of the beneficial impact educational visits can have in education.” 

The 2014 survey, undertaken by STF in partnership with the Education Company Ltd (EdCo), found that a massive 97% of secondary schools offer residential trips in the UK and overseas, with schools with good or outstanding Ofsted ratings being the most likely to offer these experiences.

The survey also reported that the most predominate reason for residential visits is “to illustrate and enhance classwork”, a fact that seems at odds with the notable trend towards residential trips happening in school holiday periods.

Why overseas?
When planning any learning experience, the first question to ask is “What are we trying to achieve?” Learning outside the classroom is about choosing the best place for impactful learning. Sometimes this can be achieved in the classroom or local community, but often there are major gains in taking learning further afield.

The teaching of the curriculum can be enormously enriched by studying geographical and historical characteristics that can’t be seen in the UK, immersing students in a language or culture, or understanding other people’s lives and beliefs thorough first-hand experience.

Memorable experiences enthuse learning with adventure and engage students in science, maths or English. This is evidenced by a  2014 study from the Education Endowment Foundation (Using self-regulation to improve writing), which has found that giving pupils "memorable experiences" to write about can improve literacy skills by nine months on average – and 18 months for disadvantaged pupils on free school meals.

There is also a compelling case around social, moral, spiritual and cultural education, from broadening horizons to building independence and improving social skills. As one teacher responding to the EdCo survey commented:

“For our 13 year olds, it is often the first time they've spent a week away from their family. The fact that our trip is abroad gives added excitement.”

Whatever your reasons for leading a visit overseas, focusing on learning objectives and undertaking a cost/benefit assessment will help you make the case to management, governors and parents alike.

Cost and equality
Disadvantaged students may lack experiences beyond their own housing estate or town, let alone further afield. However, with most schools relying on parental contributions to fund visits, the pupils who stand to benefit the most are often the least likely to access these opportunities. The STF/EdCo survey found that schools with high numbers of pupils qualifying for Free School Meals had lower numbers of students participating, but were more likely to place value on the educational content.

“Cost of trips and equality of access are the biggest barriers we have to the organisation of trips. We are often encouraged to take trips in our own holiday time and little to no recognition is given.”


  • Take a whole school approach to budget planning. What will have the most value for learning – new computers or a well-targeted educational experience?
  • Consider cross curricula opportunities to improve the value of the visit and free up curriculum time.
  • The government has stated its belief that LOtC is an effective use of pupil premium funding. Pupil premium can fund contributions for disadvantaged pupils and resolve equality of access issues.
  • Offer payment plans to collect parental contributions in smaller installments.
Planning and safety
Conducting a thorough risk/benefit assessment and careful planning is vital. This will take time, but should not be excessively onerous. Ensure that planning time is proportionate to the level of risk.


  • Use a specialist school travel company or expeditions provider to reduce planning time and help you identify opportunities for learning.
  • Look for the LOtC Quality Badge when selecting a school travel, expeditions or any other LOtC provider. This national accreditation will help you identify providers offering good quality educational experiences and managing risk effectively
  • Free guidance on planning, running and evaluating effective LOtC experiences is available
  • Access advice from your local outdoor education adviser. Search for an advisor or access the national guidance at

The Council for Leaning Outside the Classroom is a registered charity (UK) existing to champion learning outside the classroom (LOtC).
'We believe that EVERY child should be given the opportunity to experience life and lessons beyond the classroom walls as a regular part of growing up. These experiences expand the horizons of young people, opening their eyes to the wonders of areas such as art, heritage, culture, adventure and the natural world. We ensure that more young people have access to these life changing educational experiences by providing support on the ground, facilitating the sharing of best practice and promoting the benefits of LOtC in raising attainment and aspirations, reducing truancy and re-motivating those who are disengaged from their education.'

To find details on Xplore's LOtC Quality Badge please use the LOtC search tool:

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

British Youth Travel Awards 2015

Xplore have entered the British Youth Travel Awards this year for 'Best Educational Product' for our Xplore Language product. 

The shortlist will be announced week commencing 17th November with the awards ceremony on Thursday 4th December in London. 

We are very proud of what we provide to international students each year! 

Follow the latest news from @BYTAwards 

Monday, 13 October 2014

Xplore sponsor an exciting U12s rugby festival!

Xplore were proud to sponsor the U12 Rugby Festival at Finborough School on 5th October 2014.

Sixteen teams from across the East of England came to Suffolk for a 12 aside rugby festival. Referees from Eastern Counties RFU oversaw the matches.  Trophies for the winning teams were presented by Simon Sinclair from the Northampton Saints Academy. 

After an exciting 38 games throughout the day, Taverham beat Bedford School in the Cup Final.  St. Joseph's drew with Norwich School in the Plate Final after 2 halves of extra time.  Well done to all the teams! 

Xplore have offered Taverham as the winners of the main competition either a fantastic 2-night team building activity weekend or a 2-night sports tour at our Xplore Finborough Hall Centre!  

Hannah's adventures in New Zealand...

Throughout my time with Xplore, I have worked in various aspects of the company whilst completing my degree at University Campus Suffolk, until this summer when my studying came to an end and the move into the big wide world of full time work came upon me! With that, a holiday to New Zealand just happened to come about! This time it would be by myself!

When I was younger we had always travelled on holidays to a number of amazing destinations. With a Dad who did not travel much when he was little; he was determined to catch up. Road trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles will always be one to remember. Florida, Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand were also some unforgettable trips.

I don't think they will get me
bungee jumping off this!
In November, I will be travelling to Auckland to meet up with family that I have not seen for years, but I am also hoping that my trip will be as action packed and adventure filled as possible. I hope to indulge in some Maori culture, paddleboarding around Mission Bay or even Zorbing (I know they are fans of this in NZ). Sky Tower walk or jump might be a bit ambitious though - far too high for me! but you never know! I do think my best achievement from the holiday will be surviving the 24-hour flight, but you have to do it to get to these lovely places!!

All I know for certain is that I will need to be coming home for a break!

Watch out for Hannah's blog when she returns, we can't wait to hear about her adventures! 

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Join us at our Mandarin Summer Camp in China

The team at Xplore are very excited about the new and exclusive international language camp in China that we will be running this summer! 

Students from all over the world will join us from 11th July to 1st August 2015 for a unique language and culture experience.  The camp will offer three weeks of language, culture, activities and amazing excursions. Students will be fully integrated in their lessons (both Mandarin and English) and will be encouraged to support and assist each other throughout their language learning.
 Key highlights of the camp: 

 * Return flight from Frankfurt/London to Hong Kong with transfers in China  * Language and culture lessons, divided equally between Mandarin and English  * Amazing two day excursion to Beijing to see the Great Wall, Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square * Activities offered during the camp include kung fu, horse riding, sailing, Chinese tea ceremony, calligraphy and dragon dance  * Day excursions to Hong Kong, Shenzhen Bay Park and theme parks * Evening entertainment 

We are offering a limited number of subsidised places, for further information please email

It was announced by the UK government in June 2014 that tens of thousands of pupils in the UK will be given lessons in Mandarin to introduce “the language of the future” into state schools and we hope this language camp will offer the perfect introduction to Mandarin or an opportunity to improve a students level whilst experiencing Chinese culture.

The Telegraph recently reported that 'more than 1,200 specialist Mandarin teachers will be trained in the subject to give state pupils the same access to classes as their counterparts in private schools' and that 'the move will be made as part of a plan to open the biggest training centre for Mandarin outside China – the Confucius Institute – to be based at the Institute of Education in London.'
Elizabeth Truss, the Education Minister, said the move would double the number of children learning the language to GCSE level by the end of the decade.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Sheringham Annual Raft Race

Sunday was an eventful day for Xplore's Training and Development Manager Paul seen here in white powering along on the Sheringham RNLI Raft at the annual Sheringham Raft Race which traditionally marks the end of the towns summer carnival.  Paul and his team came 2nd this year out of ten rafts.   

After the race it was fair to say the RNLI team needed a rest but at 21:12 this was cut short when their pagers went off for an emergency shout, all of the team seen here were in attendance although they did decide to use a more stable craft for the call out. After several hours the team were back locking up the station at 23:15. 

We're hoping the team keep us up to date with their training for next years raft race! 

Thanks to for the great picture of our Paul in action! 

Monday, 8 September 2014

Welcome to our new international students!

We have recently welcomed our new students to England where they will be living with local families and studying in high schools for up to a year.

These brave young people have taken on the challenge of living in a new country and we will be here to support them every step of the way. 

To ensure their first few days in England went smoothly all our students took part in a 'Soft Landing Camp'. This short residential programme was held at Walnutree Manor in Suffolk. The students took part in activities and really got to know each other as they embark on their time here. 

The students went to Cambridge for punting and sightseeing then they were given some free time for shopping!  In the evening everyone enjoyed a BBQ, campfire and tasty smores. 

The following day the MyChoice UK team went through the details of the programme including rules and useful contacts. This time gave the students the opportunity to ask any questions and discuss anything they were unsure about.  After some lunch it was time to pack ready for our Suffolk students to meet their host families and our students living and studying in other regions to depart by coach/taxi with MyChoice staff.  The students had come from many different countries and have been united through this experience. They will not only have the team here to support them but also each other and it was lovely to see the friendships that had been made in a short period of time. 

We are looking forward to sharing their experiences on the blog in the coming weeks…!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Hole in one for Xplore's corporate golf day!

Xplore recently hosted the first of our annual golf days! 

We were delighted to have players travel from near and far to join us for the day. Everyone met at the golf club and were introduced to each other over bacon rolls and coffee before the first team tee'd off at 1pm.  

Xplore's Sales and Marketing
Director leading his team
The teams were looked after throughout the game with cold refreshments and snacks along with score updates via Xplore's marketing team (with the aid of a well behaved golf buggy!)

George from the UK head office narrowly
misses the award for closest to the pin!
Over the course we had 2 competitions, nearest to the pin and longest drive. It was a tight competition on both holes! 

The teams remained competitive throughout the game but all enjoyed great camaraderie and really enjoyed the afternoon. 

After 18 holes the teams returned to the club house where prizes were awarded for the competition winners and the overall winning team. 

The winning team 
The winning team, led by George Yardley from Xplore's UK head office was presented with a cheque for £100 to donate to a charity of their choice.  Very kindly the team asked that the money be donated to Childreach International, the charity that Xplore supports as a company.  Childreach International 'unlocks the potential of some of the worlds most marginalised children' and we are delighted to be able to contribute to this amazing charity. 

The evening was spent in the beautiful Suffolk town of Bury St Edmunds enjoying food, drink and tales from the day. 

The day was a huge success and we are really looking forward to next year's event… watch this space! 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

High School in Brazil

Andreas Heinrich is Xplore's Director of High School Programmes based in our office in Hamburg, Germany. He recently visited Via Mundo, our partner in Brazil, and met our students who had recently arrived. They were taking part in their orientation programme and intensive Portuguese lessons before starting school in a few weeks. 
Photo: Anderson França /

During their orientation programme they will visit a national park, meet with their host families who will look after them throughout their stay and settle in to their new environment. Brazilians love to welcome people and make the international students feel very special.
São Luís, where our students will live and study, is the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Maranhao. The metropolitan area has a population of 1,227,659 and is ranked as the 16th largest in Brazil.  This big city has all the cafes and shopping malls that the students could wish for whilst being a very friendly and welcoming environment.

Portuguese is the official national language but English and Spanish are part of the official high school curriculum. Our students will attend private schools where they will be taught mainly in Portuguese, returning home fluent in the language but also having improved their English.

Our students are motivated to study in Brazil where they can experience life in a new culture and have experiences that only this opportunity will give them. For ten months our students will enjoy a tropical climate of between 25 and 33 degrees centigrade, spend their free time at one of the 9 beautiful beaches and be cared for by their host family.

They will enjoy an 8-week break in December and January, spending time with their friends and enjoying the beautiful location in which they live. They will then return to their home countries (mainly Germany and Scandinavia) in June.

We wish them the best year and look forward to sharing their stories!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

A summer of fun at Xplore!

This blog article has been written by one of our lovely international students who stayed with us at our Worksop camp.  This is her experience of Xplore! 

"When I arrived here on Sunday, the first thing I thought was that the college is absolutely amazing and spacious. Throughout my time here the instructors have been friendly and are always willing to help out, when possible. Everyday you can choose different activities to participate in, which prevents you from being bored or sad! In these two weeks I learnt how to survive in the forest; create bracelets; masks and how to shoot an arrow like Katniss Everdeen, which I didn’t expect to be able to do.

English lessons are not a problem! At first I was worried of making some mistakes, then I stopped being afraid because teachers and instructors were able to put me at ease. Lessons here are a little bit different from those I have at school and topics we talk about are much more interesting.

On the 23rd of July I went to Alton Towers via coach, which was long. When I arrived I saw The Smiler, with all of the loops, which made me feel like I was going crazy thinking would I be able to go on the rollercoaster. The Smiler is the scariest rollercoaster I’ve ever been on, even though it was incredible to go upside down. It was a wonderful day and if I could, I would do it again and again. 

In my personal opinion being here is an experience everyone should try at least once in their life time because you can improve your English whilst having fun and you can also make friends from all over the world, which is fantastic!”

Thank you Stephaniia, we hope to welcome you back at camp next summer!

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Lego Robots!

Our Worksop centre has been the home to a group of 52 Chinese students for the past 2 weeks. They have been taking part in English lessons, adventure activities and excursions - including a trip to Legoland. Aside from the adventures of camp life, the children also came to take part in a Robot competition organised by the Bell Robot Alliance. 

The competition itself saw the children build their own Lego robots and compete in a basketball competition. Three Xplore staff were on hand to referee the competition and we were joined by the Education Manager for the First Lego League, who also provided the tables. It was an all day competition and was a huge success and a lot of fun. We hope this will be a continuous event year after year! 

Following on from the competition, some of our other international students were invited to take part in a Lego basketball competition against some of the Chinese students. This again was a big success with all children enjoying the fun.  

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Xplore are top of the class!

Xplore has shown itself to be at the top of the class for educational visits by being awarded a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge again this year. 

Awarded by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, the LOtC Quality Badge combines for the first time learning and safety into one easily recognisable badge for all organisations providing learning outside the classroom experiences.

The benefits of children learning outside the classroom...

·     Research shows that children learn best through real life experiences. Taking learning beyond the classroom walls makes learning more memorable and appeals to different learning styles. 99% of teachers say that students are more animated and engaged when learning outside the classroom (Opinion matters survey on behalf of TUI Education Division, 2010)
·     LOtC supports improved standards back INSIDE the classroom, raising attainment, reducing truancy and improving discipline
·     LOtC is known to contribute significantly to raising standards & improving pupils’ personal, social & emotional development. It also contributes to the quality and depth of learning (OFSTED, Learning Outside the Classroom, How far should you go, 2008)
·     LOtC enables children to interact in new ways with their peers and adults, improving relationships between teachers and pupils, particularly with those students who are hard to reach in the classroom environment
·     LOtC is effective in delivering learning outcomes across all areas of the curriculum including literacy, numeracy, science, history, geography and IT and has the most impact when opportunities to learn outside the classroom are frequent, continuous and progressive
·     OFSTED says that LOtC is crucial to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum (response to Select Committee review, October 2010)

Why teachers should look for the LOtC Quality Badge when organising educational visits...

·     The LOtC Quality Badge is a national benchmark that accredits providers of learning outside the classroom offering good quality educational experiences and managing risk effectively
·     The LOtC Quality Badge is recognised across all sectors offering LOtC experiences including overseas expeditions, adventurous activities, heritage, arts and farming and countryside so teachers only need to look for one badge when taking children out and about
·     The LOtC Quality Badge provides assurance to teachers and parents regarding safety and the quality of learning
·     The LOtC Quality Badge cuts red tape for teachers when planning LOtC activities (N.B. It is a very good idea to find out how booking with a LOtC Quality Badged venue will reduce red tape for teachers in your local authority area, so you can specifically refer to that in your communications with teachers)

·     The Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel has endorsed the award and ask that their Local Authority members request that teachers look for the LOtC Quality Badge when planning educational visit