Tilly's first climbing harness age 4 |
Taking Tilly to camp is a very different experience for
me than just turning up at camp to take photos or film a DVD or
meet with staff; she is after all, one of my two 'MPPs' (most precious possessions). Will she make friends? Will she know where the toilets are? Will she eat enough at lunch and get to do the activities that she really wants to do? Will the staff notice if she is a little quiet or feeling unwell? Of course I know she will have the time of her life and beg to go back the next day but it doesn't stop me from thinking about her as the day goes on. While I'm in the office writing about children's experiences at camp in brochures and online I know that at that moment my Tilly is having those experiences herself. I'd like to call the centre manager to find out what she is up to but stop myself knowing that other mums don't make such a fuss...
In a way I think it is helpful for other parents who are booking with us to hear that their initial concerns are completely normal and it's lovely when parents rebook year after year trusting us with their 'MPPs'! So when it gets to the end of the day and I leave the office to collect her I can't wait to know the answers to all my questions... Did she make friends? Of course, and her most favourite new friend is going back on Thursday so can she go too pleeeeaaaseeee? Did she eat enough at lunch? Yes but she is STARVING after a whole day of running and cart wheeling. Note to self, lunch box to include pasta tomorrow! After that she doesn't want to answer my questions she just wants to tell me about the staff and the activities and most importantly how many stickers she has been awarded on her ID badge today.
Off on another adventure |
Back at my laptop I'm working on one of our latest brochures and writing about all the amazing places there are for young people to travel to with us as individuals and as groups. It occurs to me that I really need to prepare myself to let go of my 'MPP' as it wont be too long before we will be waving to Tilly as she goes off to Xplore the World... And I know she will have the time of her life.